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Campfest is for Members Only

Become a Member Today


Register for Campfest


Campfest Information:


Open in Google Map 3469 Chicot Park Rd (It’s about 2 hours from BR. Slow down! Watch out for speed traps around the Ville Platte area.)


Check forecast and temperature at Ville Platte, LA and bring appropriate gears.

Cell Phone Service

Little-to-no reception in the area. Camp Fest organizers may not be able to respond to your email/text after arriving at the park.

Arriving at Chicot SP

Mention you are here to attend the Louisiana Hiking Club event at the entrance to receive a parking tag. We reserved the Group Camp for the weekend, so members will not be required to pay the daily usage fee.


Everyone MUST Check-in at the registration table located at Group Camp.

Friday: 4 pm - 8 pm

Saturday: 8 am- 1 pm

Check-in crew will provide direction to the primitive campsite.

Walk-in registration and/or membership renewal is welcome, but please bring CASH!



Sunday: 12 pm (dorm and campsite)

If you plan to attend the guided paddle activity on Sunday, please pack up and load items in your car after breakfast on Sunday.

Volunteers Sign-up

- Saturday morning hike lead (1)
- Coffee Station - Saturday AND Sunday morning- (2)
- Set up for Saturday night dinner (4)
- Servers for Saturday night dinner (4)
- Clean up after Saturday night dinner (4)
- Clean up after Sunday morning (8)
- Sunday canoe trip assistance with Mike (1)

>> Please fill out the signup sheet in the dining hall.


You can also volunteer early. Send an email to Campfest Coordinator and see what spots are open


- Friday dinner if arriving on Friday Saturday breakfast, lunch and snacks

- BYOB - Bring your own beverage
- Homemade dessert for contest– optional (fill out the signup sheet in the

dining hall by noon)

- Homemade side dish - optional (preferably requires no heating.

- Group Camp kitchen area is reserved for dinner and breakfast items,

so we suggest storing it in your ice chest.)
- Camp chair
- Reusable water bottle Coffee cup
- Personal items & medication Headlamp/flashlight/batteries Insect repellent
- Sun protection: sunscreen/hat/sunglasses

Map and Compass participants

- Orienteering Compass
- Illustrated Journaling for Hikers participants
- Mechanical pencil and eraser
- Waterproof ink pen(s) such as Staedtler Pigment Liner, Pigma Micron Archival Ink, 
    available at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, Mo’s …and there are also some  waterproof 
    pens at Walmart on the Crafts Aisle. Size 02 and 05 are especially  useful.
- Letter or Legal sized CLIPBOARD or stiff backed notebook or sketchbook of that size.

- Small Drawing or Watercolor sketchbook, for note taking and experimentation.

Birding walk Participants

 - Download Merlin Bird ID

 - Download bird packs for US: Southeast and US

    and Canada: Continental 


Dormitory (bunk-beds)

 - pillow & blanket  bed linen

 - towels

 - personal hygiene product  hair dryer - optional

 - plastic flip flops - walk in shower  Cash (logo patch sale)

 - Clothes/hats you want to iron-on patches

Used Gear Sale

Members wish to bring items for sale, please clearly mark items with your name and price.

Park Policies

- No RVs permitted in the Group Camp site parking lot.
- No tents camping in the Group Camp area.
- Any pet brought into a State Park must be on a leash (not to exceed 6 feet in length). 
- Pets are not allowed to run freely on park property.

- Pets are NOT allowed within park buildings and Arboretum.
- Pet owners are responsible for any injury or damage caused by their pets.
- The Arboretum does not allow pets on their premises-building or trails.f that size



Q: Can I arrive late (check-in) on Friday?

A: The gate closes at 9 pm, so we suggest arriving early on Saturday. Q: Can I arrive late (check-in) on Saturday?

A: Yes, you can check-in throughout the day.

Q: How far away is the primitive campsite to the Group camp?

A: 1.7 miles, so it is about 5 mins by car, 12 mins by bike.

Q: Is there a shower in the dorm?

A: Yes, there are 2 showers and 2 bathroom stalls.

Q: Are there outlets available to charge my phone?

A: Yes. Outlets are available in the dorm and dining hall.

Campfest is for Members Only

Become a Member Today


Register for Campfest


Campfest Information:


Open in Google Map 3469 Chicot Park Rd (It’s about 2 hours from BR. Slow down! Watch out for speed traps around the Ville Platte area.)


Check forecast and temperature at Ville Platte, LA and bring appropriate gears.

Cell Phone Service

Little-to-no reception in the area. Camp Fest organizers may not be able to respond to your email/text after arriving at the park.

Arriving at Chicot SP

Mention you are here to attend the Louisiana Hiking Club event at the entrance to receive a parking tag. We reserved the Group Camp for the weekend, so members will not be required to pay the daily usage fee.


Everyone MUST Check-in at the registration table located at Group Camp.

Friday: 4 pm - 8 pm

Saturday: 8 am- 1 pm

Check-in crew will provide direction to the primitive campsite.

Walk-in registration and/or membership renewal is welcome, but please bring CASH!



Sunday: 12 pm (dorm and campsite)

If you plan to attend the guided paddle activity on Sunday, please pack up and load items in your car after breakfast on Sunday.

Volunteers Sign-up

- Saturday morning hike lead (1)
- Coffee Station - Saturday AND Sunday morning- (2)
- Set up for Saturday night dinner (4)
- Servers for Saturday night dinner (4)
- Clean up after Saturday night dinner (4)
- Clean up after Sunday morning (8)
- Sunday canoe trip assistance with Mike (1)

>> Please fill out the signup sheet in the dining hall.


You can also volunteer early. Send an email to Campfest Coordinator and see what spots are open


- Friday dinner if arriving on Friday Saturday breakfast, lunch and snacks

- BYOB - Bring your own beverage
- Homemade dessert for contest– optional (fill out the signup sheet in the

dining hall by noon)

- Homemade side dish - optional (preferably requires no heating.

- Group Camp kitchen area is reserved for dinner and breakfast items,

so we suggest storing it in your ice chest.)
- Camp chair
- Reusable water bottle Coffee cup
- Personal items & medication Headlamp/flashlight/batteries Insect repellent
- Sun protection: sunscreen/hat/sunglasses

Map and Compass participants

- Orienteering Compass
- Illustrated Journaling for Hikers participants
- Mechanical pencil and eraser
- Waterproof ink pen(s) such as Staedtler Pigment Liner, Pigma Micron Archival Ink, 
    available at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, Mo’s …and there are also some  waterproof 
    pens at Walmart on the Crafts Aisle. Size 02 and 05 are especially  useful.
- Letter or Legal sized CLIPBOARD or stiff backed notebook or sketchbook of that size.

- Small Drawing or Watercolor sketchbook, for note taking and experimentation.

Birding walk Participants

 - Download Merlin Bird ID

 - Download bird packs for US: Southeast and US

    and Canada: Continental 


Dormitory (bunk-beds)

 - pillow & blanket  bed linen

 - towels

 - personal hygiene product  hair dryer - optional

 - plastic flip flops - walk in shower  Cash (logo patch sale)

 - Clothes/hats you want to iron-on patches

Used Gear Sale

Members wish to bring items for sale, please clearly mark items with your name and price.

Park Policies

- No RVs permitted in the Group Camp site parking lot.
- No tents camping in the Group Camp area.
- Any pet brought into a State Park must be on a leash (not to exceed 6 feet in length). 
- Pets are not allowed to run freely on park property.

- Pets are NOT allowed within park buildings and Arboretum.
- Pet owners are responsible for any injury or damage caused by their pets.
- The Arboretum does not allow pets on their premises-building or trails.f that size



Q: Can I arrive late (check-in) on Friday?

A: The gate closes at 9 pm, so we suggest arriving early on Saturday. Q: Can I arrive late (check-in) on Saturday?

A: Yes, you can check-in throughout the day.

Q: How far away is the primitive campsite to the Group camp?

A: 1.7 miles, so it is about 5 mins by car, 12 mins by bike.

Q: Is there a shower in the dorm?

A: Yes, there are 2 showers and 2 bathroom stalls.

Q: Are there outlets available to charge my phone?

A: Yes. Outlets are available in the dorm and dining hall.


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